Handbags News from Singapore
NOT so long ago, women who love designer handbags would be happy to just tote a $10,000 Hermes Birkin bag about town. These days, even that is not enough to satisfy their It-bag fetish. They are setting their sights higher - on luxe bags that come with even heftier price tags of $15,000 and above.
But why splurge all that money on one bag? Fashionistas say luxe bags are more than just It accessories. Ms Jill Sara, 30, a public relations consultant with a collection of 25 designer bags, told The New Paper on Sunday: 'Just carrying a coveted bag separates you from the rest. These bags are worth the investment because they accentuate your personality too. If a suit makes a man, it is the handbag that makes a woman.'
A Prada spokesman said there is a waiting list for their Luxe Collection, which are mostly made of crocodile skin. The range is priced between $12,070 and $13,530. Some women are even willing to shell out as much as $30,000 for handbags made of exotic skin.
Said Ms Brenda Chow for Christian Dior: 'The Gaucho Bag collection is the most popular now. The priciest is the big tote made of crocodile skin with an exterior python lining that costs $30,000. It has a worldwide waiting list because the skins are not easily available.' There are about 70 buyers on the list in Singapore, while Hong Kong, China and Korea have about 140 to 200 people on their lists, said Ms Chow.
Over at Hermes, besides the ever-popular Birkin, the crocodile bag is also in demand. Prices start from $27,000, but taking the croc for a walk is the It thing to do these days, never mind the cost. According to Forbes.com, it is the most expensive accessory. Forbes recently put together a list which will leave any It-bag lover drooling, including Yves St Laurent's Muse, Prada's Frame Bag, Zac Posen's Alexia, Ralph Lauren's Ricky, Chloe's Paddington, Gucci's Boston and Bottega Veneta's Bambina. These handbags will easily set you back by at least $15,000.
Luxe bags are not just for the rich and famous like tai-tais, socialites and celebrities. Professionals make up the beeline too. Many, like events organiser Olga Iserlis, 42, already own a vast collection of designer purses. 'I have more than 30 designer bags and several are Birkins,' the US expat said. She bought her first Gucci bag when she was a university student. s Iserlis' collection is probably worth more than $50,000.
Ms Sara has spent about $45,000 on her 25-piece collection. 'I started collecting bags when I was a teenager,' she said. 'Now I have bags from Dior, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Roberto Cavalli, Bottega Veneta, Burberry and Ferragamo.' And women like her who earn more than $100,000 a year do not need to starve themselves just to get their hands on the It bags. Ms Sara said: 'I work hard to satisfy my craving and addiction.'
Public relations consultant Tjin Lee, 32, also has a love affair with designer bags, which she calls her babies. 'I have 15 bags from Fendi, Prada, Gucci, Yves St Laurent, Burberry and more,' she said with pride. 'I am not that extravagant. I choose one key bag in each season and splurge on just the one or two.'
Bag fetishists who are too impatient to wait in line will even hop on a plane to get it. Ms Ponz Goo, 34, CEO of Haach spa and bodycare chain, once flew to Sydney from Melbourne just to buy a $3,000 Chanel bag because Melbourne didn't have a boutique then.
Luxe bags are status bags, lovers of designer handbags said. Said Ms Sara: 'There is a lot of facination surrounding luxe bags. It's like art. People will admire it and wonder how much that blue leather Dior Gaucho or the special edition purse is. Women are willing to pay a bomb for it because it also sets you apart from the others.'
If women fear to be caught dead in the same outfit twice, can the same be said about handbags? 'Oh no... I once saw 15 Fendi Spy bags at a party - in gold, brown, white, denim and patchwork. But everyone was just admiring all the bags!' Ms Lee said with a laugh.
Ms Lee and Ms Sara said their dream bags are crocodile-skin totes from Birkin and Yves St Laurent - they cost at least $30,000. But not everyone shares their enthusiasm. Mr Jason Baker, director of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Asia-Pacific, told The New Paper on Sunday: 'Crocodiles may not be as cuddly, but they go through a lot of pain when they're stripped off their skin. Most times, consumers do not look at the bags and realise that it is an animal, because they admire the patterns on it. They have a choice to choose other alternatives.'
Sick of 'em? Just sell 'em
LIKE the Rolex watch, a designer handbag has resale value too. They include high-fashion brands like Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, Gucci and Christian Dior. The Hermes bag, according to auction houses and retailers specialising in second-hand designer bags, can fetch a premium. The Wall Street Journal reported that the US$7,400 ($11,798) Togo leather Birkin was resold for US$16,800 at the Doyle New York's Couture and Accessories Auction. Last April, a black crocodile Birkin with a diamond-covered clasp and lock was sold for an astounding US$64,800.
Mr Henry Poh, who owns Cavallino, a shop that sells second-hand designer bags at Tanglin Shopping Centre, told The New Paper on Sunday: 'The most popular bag is the Hermes' Birkin followed by the Kelly. The Louis Vuitton bags are next. So far, the only brand that can fetch more than its original price is Hermes.' The bags must be in mint or showroom condition and in their original state. This means no modifications have been made. Mr Poh added: 'The designer bags I sell are new - some a month old, some even a few days old. Local buyers prefer a new bag to a vintage.'
But vintage bags are sought after in the West. There is a bag sale at Christies' South Kensington in London, said Ms Cecilia Ong of Christie's Singapore, where women engage in a bidding war for bags made in the '50s, '60s and '70s.
Bags to covet
Hermes Birkin
The size 30 Birkin bag is the most popular one in the store, said Ms Madeleine Ho of Hermes Singapore. The store has stopped taking orders for it as it wishes to clear outstanding orders. Said Ms Ho: 'There are still people on the list waiting.'
Fendi B Bag
Topping Forbes' list of bags to have, the B Bag costs a whopping US$27,000 ($44,000). Many are seduced by its structured yet curved bodice, said a Fendi spokesman.
Les Extraordinaires (Louis Vuitton)
Want to be truly unique? Custom-made bags are the way to go. At LV, these are the priciest bags, revealed Ms Aileen Png for the French label in Singapore. She said: 'It is only available by special order.'
Loewe Jewel Bag
Retailing at a whopping $159,000, this made-to-order bag is a tribute to Loewe's 160th anniversary. Said Ms Karen Cheng for Loewe: 'It is made of crocodile leather, adorned with semi-precious and precious stones. The metal pieces are all in 18-carat gold.'
Source: newpaper.asia1.com.sg