Birkin from Queens
Many women all agree upon one thing - that all their handbags are diverse; small, large, day-wear, night-wear, work bags, sports bags, etc. I could say that the handbags that I own are very different as well. I was influenced on purchasing one of my most recent handbags because I was heading in a new direction in my life. There are women who obsess over handbags, as I can agree I am one of them. There are those women who buy based on a pure admiration for a handbag design, while others purchase handbags because they are in need for a change; they're heading in a new direction, and are in need of something more versatile for this purpose.
In my case, the direction I was heading in was something completely major and life changing - college. When you head off to college, you think about changing your image to something more simple, yet stylish and convenient- especially when you go to school in the big city of Manhattan. Living in Queens, I have been to Manhattan on many occasions and I know that when you travel to Manhattan for the day you are in need of a handbag that suits your personality. However, when going to college you need something stylish that will fit the many belongings that you need to carry with you on a daily basis. After going to stores in Long Island, Manhattan, and Queens I decided that for the beginning of school I would purchase a Longchamp bag. Not only do these bags serve the purpose of being spacious and have the ability to hold heavy things, but they seem to not get ruined when weather conditions arise (such as unexpected rain.) Longchamp is known for making their bags spacious, simple, and in many colors. They also have an online boutique that lets you customize one of their most popular handbags, "les pliages," in any two colors that you want, engraving of your initials, and the kind of metal hardware that you want. In the weeks that followed my purchase I was glad on the decision that I had made because I was able to comfortably adapt to carrying many things at once.
Like I've said, all the handbags I own are diverse, but have one thing in common- my personal style is in all of them. My general style that I admire is not only designer handbags, but something that appeals to me and will flatter what I'm wearing and my figure, but won't empty my wallet. My style is mostly influenced from magazine ads, not the trend of the moment. When I view a magazine ad, I don't just look at a picture and say, "I like how this bag looks in the ad and how it looks on the model, I want to buy it". However, I look at the details of the handbag independently and I ask myself, "Is this something I would wear more than once, will the bag be unique that not everyone owns it, and do I absolutely love it so much that I have to have it?"
Before I buy a bag on impulse, it's important to ask myself those questions as well as, "Will this bag serve its purpose?" I have handbags from very different designers and companies; from LV to Express, Dior, Gucci, Coach, BCBG, Longchamp, Guess, and probably more in the future. One bag I dream of owning (as I imagine everyone else would) is the Hermes Birkin bag. I most covet this bag because it exemplifies my style. If I owned this bag it wouldn't just be because many important people have it and it's expensive. However, owning this bag would flatter my figure, it would be of a big size, and would most importantly be unique. There is an insane waiting list just to receive the bag, and if that's not enough of a wait, the wait is even longer to accumulate your money to even purchase the bag for the average person. The bag sells for at least $10,000 and is well known among celebrities such as, actors, singers, and especially models. Many of the star tracks in People Magazine show stars carrying the bag wearing slim flitting clothing which isn't of proportion, however the slim fitting clothing flatters the bag.
Whichever hand bag consumers purchase, or wish of purchasing should be something that they make their own. You shouldn't just flip open any Coach or Macy's catalog and buy something you see just because it's in style at the moment. Most importantly, the bag that you choose to buy should be something that you can apply to your life and lifestyle. Also, before you make a purchase you should shop around, get the best price, and make sure you don't regret your purchase when you get the bag home. Shopping can be a fun, enjoyable experience if you can search for your own style, make purchases that flatter your style, and most importantly - be yourself!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
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